Trainer Accreditation

As an IACTM Accredited Trainer you get:

  • IACTM Accredited Trainer Certification.
  • A Professional Trainer profile featured in the IACTM Directory.
  • Showcased amongst a global community of highly reputable professionals.
  • Your events, courses, workshops, etc., can be featured in IACTM’s Events Calender.
  • Client referrals from IACTM.
  • We will promote your Trainer Profile to an appropriately niched audience (via this website, IACTM’s newsletter and social media)
  • Permission to display the IACTM logo and IACTM Stamp of Approval on your own website, promotional materials and the certificate that you provide to graduates of your IACTM approved training.
  • Listed on IACTM’s Approved Resources page – where your service may be selected by LIVE Foundation beneficiaries and paid for by sponsored funds.
  • Listed as an LIVE Foundation beneficiary (if you currently donate your time & energy to any form of humanitarian aid).
  • 50% discount off the IACTM Stamp of Approval fee (for your related products & services)
  • 50% discount off any additional IACTM Accreditation.
  • 80% discount off this website’s advertising rates.
  • IACTM Accreditation allows you to list your personal and professional development related articles, e-books, audios and videos in our Free Resources area.
  • With IACTM Accreditation, you are welcome to promote your service in IACTM´s Facebook group.
  • Heard! We welcome your suggestions and input so that IACTM can continue to expand, grow and deliver ever improving services.

Special benefit for Coach Trainers:

  • As an IACTM Accredited Trainer who provides coach training, your graduates will be fully eligible for IACTM Coach Accreditation, if your course fulfills the IACTM Accredited Coach criteria.

IACTM Accredited Trainer Criteria:

  • You have a relevant qualification in the area that you will be providing training.
  • You have at least 100 hours of professional experience in the area that you will be providing training.
  • You are able to demonstrate competence and professionalism as a trainer in accordance with IACTM’s Core Competencies.
  • Compliance with the IACTM Policy.


  • Annual IACTM Accredited Trainer fee USD 200.- (refundable if you are not approved for accreditation)
  • One-time application and registration fee USD 30.- (non-refundable)

To apply for IACTM Trainer accreditation, please fill in the form below and register. Following that a page will open where you can enter your profile information.

Frequently Asked Questions Trainer Accreditation

Once you have been granted IACTM Trainer Accreditation, you will be allowed to display the IACTM logo on your site and anywhere where you promote your course/training/program.

Yes, as an accredited trainer, you can set up your profile in the IACTM Accredited Trainer Directory.

No, you are not required to translate your certificates.

No, IACTM does not issue certificates of attendance, however if your program/training/course is approved by our organization, you may put the IACTM logo on the certificates that you issue to your successful graduates.

For as long as your IACTM Trainer Accreditation is active (annual renewal), you may provide the program/training/course as many times as you want.

Yes, there is no additional fee for that. Each program/training/course needs to be sent to us for approval. Once an additional program/training/course is approved, it will be recognized under your trainer accreditation.

Yes, you will receive your IACTM Trainer Accreditation certificate in PDF format, and the IACTM logo as .png or .jpg file.

Once you make your payment, you will see the option to fill in your profile content, which is where you can list your services including links to your website/social media and all relevant details. Your service will also be listed in our Pro Resources section with a link to your IACTM profile. Having your professional profile featured in the directory is one of the main benefits of accreditation with our organization. 

No, we do not provide any training at IACTM. We accredit ethical and authentic professionals in the fields of coaching, therapy, mentoring and training. The IACTM accredited professionals are endorsed, supported and showcased in our Directory and each trainer joins IACTM with a different training background.